

The Team@Work Range of Services

Team@Work comes alongside of home medical equipment and complex rehab providers through sales and leadership training, coaching, and the development of sales processes. The Team@Work Sales Process transforms individuals and builds structure to increase productivity, gain market share, and grow referrals.

Team@Work Sales BootCamp is the only sales training program that offers one on one coaching for all participants. This has been a valuable asset to the provider and sales professionals alike. This strengthens positive sales disciplines and behaviors. Continually adapting to the evolving medical community, Sales BootCamp is built on real-life and ongoing field experiences and active sales calls conducted by Coach Ty Bello.

Team@Work Special Forces Sales Training is the first Clinical Based Sales Program. Special Forces Sales Training builds on Sales BootCamp and is for both the non-clinician and clinician and will provide a clinical knowledge base to all sales professionals, reinforced by the sales process and discipline developed in Sales BootCamp.

Team@Work Fractional Sales Leader offers training, coaching, leadership and sales process development for those HME and Complex Rehab Providers who today work without a Sales Leader on their team.

Team@Work Transforming Leadership Program is for all HME and Complex Rehab leadership team members. Thousands of individuals have completed the leadership and coaching program with Team@Work. This offering goes beyond the principles of leadership and provides application for where each leader and their team is and where they need to grow.

    HME Business Podcast