Cosponsor support is critical to the bills' chances of being included in year-end legislative packages, association says. 09/28/2023
Repair guidelines involve changes for consumers, providers, payers, clinicians, and manufacturers. 09/21/2023
The manufacturer also announced changes to its board of directors. 05/10/2023
Dynarex's strategy includes expediting the provision of bariatric products. 03/28/2023
The public comment period on CMS’s proposed power seat elevation NCD ends March 17. Here's a closer look at the issues at hand and what's being said. 03/16/2023
The window for public comments on CMS’s proposed power seat elevation NCD ends March 17. There are several resources you can use to help support the effort. 03/09/2023
Sunrise adds 30-year complex rehab veteran and Paralympian Jim Black to head up tactical and strategic growth for maker of made-to-measure rehab products. 01/20/2022
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