2021 Industry Innovators

ACHC Invests in DMEPOS Provider Success

Accreditation leader Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC) is a nonprofit with 35 years of experience promoting safe, quality patient care. ACHC develops solutions in partnership with industry experts and is trusted nationwide by providers across the healthcare continuum.

ACHC has a history of driving success. Standards for all programs address continuous improvement in clinical outcomes and effective operational practices, fostering sustainable delivery of high-quality, patient-centered care.

Serving Providers
ACHC is committed to serving providers. We excel at providing exceptional, personalized service and a customized, collaborative accreditation experience tailored to individual needs. ACHC also supports pricing transparency and provides clear information on costs.

We value the relationships we hold with over 20,000 accredited locations, from small local facilities to large national corporate providers. Our customer satisfaction rating has been over 98.5% consistently for the past five years.

DMEPOS Accreditation
ACHC is a leader in DMEPOS accreditation. We are a national accreditor with deeming authority from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. Our DMEPOS program offers a full suite of accreditation services, including home/durable medical equipment, medical supply provider, and complex rehabilitation and assistive technology supplier.

ACHC DMEPOS surveyors are licensed healthcare professionals and subject matter experts with practical field experience. Surveyors focus on a positive, educational approach and share best practices to help you raise the bar for your organization. At ACHC, our focus is to help providers perform their best.

Accreditation Commission for Health Care (ACHC)
(855) 937-2242

This article originally appeared in the Jul/Aug 2021 issue of HME Business.

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