HME Business Podcast: Making Quality Improvement an Everyday Goal

Procrastinators, take heart: Even if you are facing an enormous task — say, preparing for an accreditation visit — and have fallen behind in your preparation, it’s never too late to start turning things around.

That’s the message that Sandra C. Canally, CEO and founder of The Compliance Team, shared in the latest HME Business podcast.

In “Integrating Quality Improvement into Day-to-Day Activities,” Canally — a home medical equipment industry expert and accreditation guru — also discussed how home medical equipment dealers can incorporate improvement into their daily routines.

“The way I look at quality improvement is that it’s a continuous journey to make things better in your day-to-day operations,” Canally explained. “It’s not a destination.

“So many people put parameters around quality improvement, like it’s something separate from the rest of their business. And they’re the ones, frankly, that don’t do well in that area for accreditation or certification.”

Instead, quality improvement should be the running theme that ties together other business activities, Canally said.

“We can always do better,” she said. “And that’s what continuous quality improvement is all about.”

Listen to the episode and check out other installments in the HME Business podcast center.

HME Business Podcast