December 2007


Viaspire liquefier, oxygen remibursement cuts, liquid oxygen, respiratory needs

Inspired Technologies’ VIAspire Liquefier

By Elisha Bury

The editors of Home Health Products’ sister publications, Elisha Bury of Respiratory Management and Laurie Watanabe of Mobility Management, have each selected a product in their market segments that caught their attention. Here are their selections this month:

Permobil K300 PS Junior

By Laurie Watanabe

The editors of Home Health Products’ sister publications, Elisha Bury of Respiratory Management and Laurie Watanabe of Mobility Management, have each selected a product in their market segments that caught their attention. Here are their selections this month:

DME Is In A Rut!

By Wayne Stanfield

We must help politicians understand that we are part of the solution to the rising cost of health care, not the problem.

Time for an Upgrade

By Elisha Bury

How to Select the Right Software for Your Business

Not Another Consequence

Facing the diagnosis of COPD is only one of several factors that oxygen users have to endure. For many, there’s a sense of claustrophobia in using the equipment.

Oxygen Therapy: The Need to Promote Service

By Bob McCoy

Evaluating Delivery and Non-Delivery. In evaluating the differences of delivery vs. non-delivery oxygen systems, Bob McCoy of Valley Inspired Products, not only addresses the important service component in providing oxygen therapy, but also emphasizes the need for providers to document the benefits and positive client outcomes in order to help make the case for service to be reimbursed.

Editors At Large: Permobil K300 PS Junior

By Laurie Watanabe

A pediatric power chair must work on a number of levels. It must meet medical needs as defined by rehab professionals. But it must also please its user, which means it must fit in on the playground, in the classroom and at home. In other words, a power chair also needs to be cool.

Accreditation & Software

By Bently C. Goodwin

In order to make the accreditation process and compliance with the quality standards easier, software programs can help. The quality standards for accreditation require a vast amount of information to be tracked and documented, and having the right software can be instrumental for seamless business operations.

Editors At Large: Inspired Technologies’ VIAspire Liquefier

By Elisha Bury

Amid the onslaught of the latest oxygen reimbursement cuts, along comes a product that elicits excitement and hope for a better tomorrow.


VGM Group Hosts Advocacy Event on World COPD Day

The VGM Group’s Shut Down the Switchboard day to support COPD and oxygen therapy, resulted in 33,000 hits to its Web site and 8,167 reported phone calls to Washington, D.C. from providers and beneficiaries.

Respironics Becomes Lead Sponsor of Drowsy Driving Prevention Week for the National Sleep Foundation

Respironics Inc. was the lead sponsor of the National Sleep Foundation’s (NSF) Drowsy Driving Prevention Week, Nov. 5-11. T

HME Business Podcast