Legislation calls for providers to retain $500,000 surety bond and stiffens fines for Medicare fraud.
VGM hour-long Lunch Bucket Webcast expects to discuss topics such as pending zip code announcements for competitive bidding round two and when round one's bidders could be announced.
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposes various changes to existing standards, as well as additional standards.
Quantum Rehab, a division of Pride Mobility, has released a revision of its eight quality standards for providers offering its products.
AAHomecare, NAIMES, The Med Group and The VGM Group have teamed to create a grass roots campaign to help providers and patients educated their Congress members on the importance of the HME industry.
Oxygen therapy and durable medical equipment are prime targets for Medicare reimbursement cuts, according to the American Association for Homecare.
To better serve the evolving business information needs of HME providers, trade magazine publishing company 1105 Media has launched HME Business magazine and website.