Vote to move bill from debate to final vote fails, leaving NCB poised to go into effect on July 1.
Associations urge providers to lobby Congress to support the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Acquisition Reform Act of 2008.
Providers expect sleep revenue growth to be slightly down from past survey.
Finally shedding light on the process, CMS has announced the winning providers for round one of its competitive bidding program.
The first installment of the chapter provides additional instructions on competitive bidding policies.
AAHomecare President/CEO Tyler Wilson urges DME providers to keep working with their legislators, local media and Medicare beneficiaries on urgent industry issues at Medtrade Spring.
- By Laurie Watanabe
- May 09, 2008
Pride Mobility Chairman and CEO calls on HHS Secretary to investigate potentially problematic standard power chair bids in Riverside, Calif. bidding area.
Aging population creating an increasing demand for treatment of sores caused by patient bodyweight, according to new report.
Already, two local coverage determinations (LCDs) regarding home sleep testing have been released, though the LCDs that will impact respiratory providers aren’t expected until May or June, according to industry sources.
- By Elisha Bury
- Apr 17, 2008