
CMS Proposes Changes to E0217 Reimbursement

Suggests hot water pumps should be reimbursed the same as heating pads

AAHomecare Against Accreditation Exemptions

CMS lets physicians, therapists and others off the hook while HME providers must still obtain accreditation.

Gustav: Providers Pitch in

HME industry lends a helping hand to hurricane evacuees.

MED Group Signs AEL

Rehab manufacturer will be preferred contract partner.

COPD Patient Wraps Ride of a Lifetime

Retired historian pedals bike from San Francisco to Tijuana using a POC to raise COPD awareness.

Industry Seeks Rental Cap Clarity

As 2009 approaches, AAHomecare collects questions for CMS to answer on how caps will work

CHAD Therapeutics Relocates to Naples, Florida

Recently acquired by Inovo, Inc. the California-based oxygen conservation firm completes cross-country move.

CMS announces competitive bidding delay

What it all means? Industry insiders comment on how the delay will affect providers and beneficiaries.

House, Senate Override President’s Veto

H.R. 6331 stands; competitive bidding delay is now law.

President Vetoes HR 6331

House and Senate gear up to vote on overrides today and tomorrow.

President Plans to Veto Medicare Bill

Intentions to send NCB delay back to the Senate made clear at Washington press briefing.

Senate Vote Approves H.R. 6331

The bill to delay competitive bidding now goes to the President's desk.

Round One NCB Price Tables Analyzed

The HME Media Group continued it's analysis of round one by examining 23 product codes across round one's 10 CBAs.

Senate Restarts H.R. 6331 Debate This Week

While the Senate's cloture vote failed to push the bill to a vote, debate is slated continue now that the Senate's Independence Day break has wrapped up.

Competitive Bidding Round One Winners Analyzed

The HME Media Group has picked through the round one results. Read our findings and download our tables.

USM Acquires Apria's Rehab Division

Deal includes power and complex wheelchair division; other Apria HME functions not affected.

Injunctions Fail to Stop Round One Implementation

After the Senate’s failure to put H.R. 6331 to a vote before its July 4 break, motions for injunctions to stop NCB also failed.

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