Oct. 11-12 event focuses on how providers can prepare for competitive bidding.
CBIC emails and Open Door Forum provide details, deadlines.
Course will combine online course materials with pre-show training session at Medtrade Fall.
Extrakare also ranked 25th fastest-growing private healtcare business in U.S.
AAHomecare uses findings to demonstrate to media why NCB will hurt healthcare.
Meeting will include representatives from clinician and HME communities.
Conference call will provide details on providers can register to access the competitive bidding system
CBIC will act as program’s focal point for keeping providers in the loop on round one rebid.
CMS announces full timeline for the round one rebid.
CNN, WSJ, other reports prompt AAHomecare, providers to wage ‘Myth vs. Reality’ campaign.
President’s remarks at townhall meeting come on heels of similar comments made at DC roundtable.
Software will become key element of iPartner Solutions.
Accrediting organization nixes guidebook’s $300 pricetag.
Video serves as a platform piece for CMS to advance competitive bidding.
‘There is a policy inconsistency within CMS,’ a letter to OMB states.
AAHomecare stages panel discussion to inform lawmakers, media on important of homecare, dangers of NCB.
Reps. Ross and Meek introduce Medicare Home Oxygen Therapy Act of 2009.
While it doesn't makes additional cuts, H.R. 3200 includes provisions directly impacting HME providers.
MABIS has rights as master distributor of canes that combine aspects of a cane and crutch.
DME maker launches “Back in the USA” initiative.
Incontinence product maker will merge Calif. plant with N.C. operation.
Florida association will meet with the state agency on July 16.
Quantum Speak Out program includes public speaking and events.
Event will focus on industry advocacy and government affairs, as well as continuing education.
July 1 CMS Open Door Forum reminds providers they must have their affairs in order to continue billing.