Study by Robert Morris University Economist likens competitive bidding to a franchise bid.
Recent bad weather caused registration delays for Feb. 23 meeting.
OAMES press event includes Rep. Ryan (D-Ohio) and patient who outline program’s negative impact.
CMS pushes out registration requirement to Jan. 3, 2011.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 19, 2010
Program helps farm producers get 'back in the saddle.'
Four-point agenda covers NCB, O2, power mobility and PECOS.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 12, 2010
AAHomecare, NCART, NRRTS and RESNA work to define benefit and set industry's agenda.
- By Laurie Watanabe
- Feb 08, 2010
Gentiva says divesting businesses that generated at least $55 million in 2009 part of move to targe senior services.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 05, 2010
Focus on the Future to run April 19 to 21 in Lousiville, Ky.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 05, 2010
Users of system can automatically cross reference referral partners against CMS's gigantic PDF file.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 05, 2010
President's Day recess lobbying effort aims to bring Meek bill to 218 co-sponsors.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 05, 2010
HomeNest features home access equipment and customized patient care plans.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 04, 2010
Attendees registering by Feb. 5 receive special pricing, expo pass and pre-show conference discounts.
Tenth anniversary tour offers CEU courses to providers and will visit 27 cities starting Feb. 9. Curriculum will include medical diagnosis and power wheelchair electronics, a PMD audit survival guide, reimbursement fundamentals for complex rehab, and the science of mat evaluations and wheelchair prescription.
CMS has released a list of all physicians and other healthcare professionals registered in its PECOS database. The list is a gigantic PDF file that, while searchable, is unwieldy at best.
- By David Kopf
- Jan 29, 2010
Brown's victory nixes Democrat's 'super majority' to push reform package containing various HME cuts.
- By David Kopf
- Jan 22, 2010
One-sided report acts as platform for HHS OIG general counsel.
- By David Kopf
- Jan 22, 2010
Fastrack system users can automatically place patient CPAP orders with the service.
- By David Kopf
- Jan 18, 2010
AAHomecare calls on HHS Inspector General to modify its telemarketing advisory.
NAIMES urges providers to call on Reps. to support bill to end competitive bidding.
Free NCART webinar will cover establishing a separate benefit for complex rehab.
- By Laurie Watanabe
- Jan 15, 2010
Bill nixing competitive gains cosponsor commitments during winter break.
However, health spending as as a percentage of GDP is ‘rising at an unsustainable rate.’
HHS OIG report says three in five claims in 1H07 didn’t meet requirements.
The office outlines the program’s various flaws, but asserts they were fixed — industry says ‘nope.’
- By David Kopf
- Dec 16, 2009