
Experts’ Critique of NCB Gaining Attention

Lawmakers, news media take notice of letter listing competitive bidding’s numerous flaws.

Mark Junge Rides Again

Invacare sponsors COPD patient on another long-distance cycling trek to spread awareness of the disease.

Economists, other Experts: NCB Doesn’t Work

166 bidding and auction program experts catalog flaws in CMS’s competitive bidding program in letter to Rep. Stark.

VirtuOx, Watermark Medical Form Sleep Testing Alliance

New device could make home diagnosis cheaper, more viable.

CMS Proposes New Anti-Fraud Measures

New rules aim to implement some of Affordable Care Act’s more significant provisions.

CMS Not Reporting Actions Against Providers

Agency’s internal halt to reporting to HIPDB undercuts intra-agency efforts to fight Medicare fraud.

AAHomecare Seeks to Set Fraud Record Straight

Association’s statement at House subcommittee on fraud reiterates 13-point anti-fraud plan, busts CMS ‘myths.’

Next Open Door Forum Oct. 14

Meeting will be via conference call only.

House Hearing Sheds Light on NCB Flaws

Lawmakers at Health Subcommittee hearing hit government witnesses with hard questions.

House Committee Slates NCB Hearing

House Energy and Commerce Committee’s health subcommittee will hold a Sept. 15 hearing on competitive bidding.

Rural Areas Outside Round 1, 2 Still Affected by NCB

Competitive bidding will directly and significantly affect rural areas, according to economist

CEDI to Shut Down Free Network Access

Costs to increase for medicare claim submissions.

CMS Shoots Down Bid Transparency Request

Agency refuses congressional, industry calls to release Round One re-bid data.

Scooter Store Launches ‘Home Care’ Division

Phased launch starts in target markets, with national coverage in the works.

CMS Releases DMEPOS Enrollment Standards

Final rule adds many new standards, modifications to existing standards.

No CMS Reply to Altmire-Hall Letter

CMS late to respond to congressional request for Round One re-bid transparency.

Study: Competitive Bidding Slashes Patient Choice, Access, Quality

Dobson DaVanzo & Associates study says NCB could negatively impact Medicare beneficiaries and is highly susceptible to gaming.

SeQual Aids Gulf Coast Relief Efforts

Oxygen equipment maker to donate portion of its sales to Play it Forward Foundation.

Patient Videos Demonstrate Dangers of Competitive Bidding

VGM produces, distributes videos of patients describing importance of HME and the threat CMS’s bid program poses.

Maryland Media Covers Competitive Bidding Concerns

Maryland's Gazette newspapers cover various opinions from state providers.

AAHomecare Looking for Audit Feedback

Association calls on providers to relate examples of where contractors are overstepping authorities.

Power for Funding Benefits Industry Advocacy

MK Battery effort raises $37K so far, three months to go.

135 Reps. Sign Altmire-Hall Letter

Industry push to gain signers called for CMS to provide transparency in bid info.

Invacare Gives Power Rental Market CPR

New program aims to help providers buck funding threats and thrive in the rental market.

CBO Re-scores H.R. 3790

Bill to repeal competitive bidding must now account for whopping $20 billion.

HME Business Podcast