
SIGVARIS Offers Education Offerings

Courses provide instruction on circulatory system, compression stockings, varicose veins and leg health.

HHS Finalizes ICD10 Rule

Deadline for providers, physicians and other health professionals to conform to new diagnoses codes is Oct. 1, 2015.

Patients Back ‘Save My Medical Supplies’

Campaign has generated 5,500 consumer letters to Congress calling for reforms to bad DMEPOS policies.

Brightree Joins AAHomecare; Assists With Audits

Software maker signs up at corporate partner; will serve as IT lead on HME Audit Key service

Audit and Binding Bids Bills Gain More Ground

H.R. 5083 reaches 8 co-sponsors and H.R. 4920 now at 24 backers as industry approaches prime lobbying opportunity.

A/R Allegiance, EBS Partner Up

Electronic Billing Services will implement COLLECTPlus program for billing service customers.

Bids, Audits Bills Up; MPP Bill Hovers

Recently released binding bids and audit reform bills gain sponsors while MPP sits at 180.

Compliance Team Expands Patient Satisfaction Portal

Online benchmarking service will help providers prove their quality claims.

Home Care Medical Enters Contract with Dean Health Plan

Wisconsin HME, respiratory provider will be an in-network provider for HMO’s Wisconsin patients.

AAHomecare Launches Audit Reform Site will provide online nexus for advocates looking to help reform of Medicare’s audit program.

CMS Announces Round Two Re-compete

Agency will announce bidding schedule for Round Two and National Mail-Order in fall; bidding begins winter 2015.

CMS Proposes Rule on Taking Bidding National

After February advanced notice, CMS releases proposed rule, soliciting comments.

Invacare Sets Minimum Advertised Price Policy

Policy applies to e-commerce providers selling specific offerings from the manufacturer.

Binding Bids Bill Boasts 18 Backers

H.R. 4920 approaches prime summer lobbying opportunity with solid support, but more needed.

Legislation to Fix Audits Unveiled

Bill introduced by Reps. Ellmers and Barrow boosts transparency, rewards low error rates.

Drive Medical Acquires Dupont Medical

Integration of 150-year-old HME maker will expand Drives European footprint.

Price Declines Temper Sleep Market Growth

Second quarter sleep survey shows competitive bidding continues to undercut sleep volume.

Medtrade Targets Niche Markets

New education sessions aim to help providers develop news business opportunities.

Brightree Joins Healthcare IT Association

Software company brings HME perspective to CommonWell Health Alliance.

Great Lakes Home Medical Services Association Debuts

New association merges advocacy assets of Indiana, Illinois and Michigan HME associations.

Binding Bids Bill Unveiled

H.R. 4920 aims to correct key competitive bidding failings by making all bids binding and requiring surety bonds for bids.

AAHomceare Calls for Urgent H.R. 4920 Support

Association creates online resources to help providers quickly drive bill’s support under tight Congressional calendar.

Industry Testifies at Small Business Administration Hearing

AAHomecare, industry representatives, providers describe negative effects of competitive bidding.

Study: COPD Patients Need Better Education

Low patient awareness of COPD exacerbations poses barrier to effective management.

Binding Bids Bill Imminent

Industry working with 2 House members on bill that would require surety bonds for bidders.

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