Installing stairlifts can be a fairly straightforward process in terms of actually spinning wrenches and turning screws, but an easy installation depends on careful up-front preparation and assessment. What do providers need to do in orderto streamline stairlift installations?
Case Studies
When the going gets tough, sometimes motivation comes in the last place we thing to look — with the patients we see every day. Respiratory Management asked patients to share their challenges and how home care equipment changed their lives. Here are their success stories.
If the documentation is not right, the claim for a very expensive piece of HME can prompt an audit that results in a denial and negates funding for that claim. How can providers ensure they are properly documenting power mobility claims?
CPMs represent an attractive business for HME providers looking to help post-surgical patients. What do they need to do get started?
The September deadline is nearly here and providers must scramble to ensure that they will be able to finish the accreditation process in time to ensure they will be able to preserve what is most likely the lion’s share of their funding. How can they streamline the process?
If you are an HME provider, you must know how to make an impact on your Senators and Representative.
If ever there was an easy entry point into cash sales,ADLs are it. So how should a provider get started?
Point & Counterpoint
Respiratory Management asked experts in the sleep field to discuss their points of view on several controversial sleep topics impacting home respiratory providers and respiratory therapists. The idea was to gain insight by getting the perspective of the HME provider/RT and the sleep physician. Two experts in sleep education moderated the debate. Here’s what they had to say regarding the new compliance landscape; the role of auto PAP and titration; the new RT sleep specialty and bi-level therapy.
Many providers are considering document imaging systems to save employees volumes of time, ensure accurate record keeping, and protect patient privacy. Here are some items to consider if you wish to implement a document imaging system.
Thereis a multiplicity of bath safety offerings available to help them ensure patients of all stripes are able to bathe safely. The key is to get started, and that’s often the hardest part. What should providers consider when remodeling a bathroom to ensure safety?
Manufacturers of all types — large and small, single-product category to multi-line — are offering a variety of no-cost or low-cost services to providers to help give them a leg up in these tough times.
HME buying groups have evolved beyond group purchasing into member service organizations (MSOs), and play a much broader role in the HME industry. How can a provider get the most from its membership?
Now that providers are five months into the new PAP LCD policy (at press time), Respiratory Management wanted to know: How are providers faring?
- By Elisha Bury
- Jun 01, 2009
Although the link between sleep apnea and cardiovascular problems is well known, recent studies have shed light on just how harmful untreated sleep apnea can be to the heart.
- By Carla Saavedra
- Jun 01, 2009
Running a successful cash business requires commitment on the provider's end, including proper staff training, quality products, snazzy displays and an inviting storefront. Outlined below are seven rules that industry experts suggest providers follow to set up a respiratory retail business.
- By Lunzeta Brackens
- May 01, 2009
What’s the prognosis for HME’s retail revolution in the ‘New Economy?’
- By David Kopf
- Apr 01, 2009
Many people are familiar with the harmful effects of outdoor air pollution. In metropolitan areas, for example, air quality is color coded to assist those with respiratory sensitivities. Those with allergies and asthma monitor pollen count, and smog is easy to pinpoint. Unfortunately, few people are familiar with the dangers lurking inside their own homes.
- By Elisha Bury
- Apr 01, 2009
How HME providers can optimize inventory operations through technology.
- By David Kopf
- Apr 01, 2009
Looking to start your own travel oxygen program? Respiratory Management asked the experts to identify the important steps to success.
- By Elisha Bury
- Mar 01, 2009
The challenges and opportunities providers and clinicians face in helping young mobility patients live life to the fullest.
- By Lunzeta Brackens
- Mar 01, 2009