
LEAN Process

LEAN & Mean

How this management technique can improve efficiency, reduce repetitive work, eliminate barriers, and improve process flow and cut fat and waste from every HME.


Keeping and Creating Customers in 2010

How providers can develop marketing plans that ensure they will not only retain their existing patient base, but ensure they expand their customers in 2010.

Product Solutions

Financial Services

Providers are used to doing a lot by themselves: processing claims, delivering DME, servicing, maintaining compliance, working with referral partners, etc. Fortunately, there are a number of firms offering a variety of services to help HMEs manage their money.


Have Oxygen, Will Travel

Growing patient demand for POCs leaves respiratory providers with the question of if, when and how to invest in this technology.

Provider Purchasing Plans Survey

Results of our exclusive survey point to cautious optimism among providers regarding their 2010 spending decisions.

Compliance Automation

Virtual Officer 'Polices' Compliance

As regulations continue to tighten the grip on the Home Medical Equipment industry, providers are looking for tools to stay compliant. Enter Virtual Compliance Officer.

Business Services

Getting a Helping Hand

How providers can take advantage of a number of enhanced business services available to them for low- to no-cost from DME manufacturers.

Virtual Officer 'Polices' Compliance

As regulations continue to tighten the grip on the Home Medical Equipment industry, providers are looking for help to stay compliant.


Keeping and Creating Customers in 2010

An economic downturn can adversely affect a company’s profitability, but from hard times, providers with marketing on their minds rise and find ways to win market share.


Business Solutions

Changing the Game

The rules keep changing for oxygen providers, but they’re still in the game. As many hits as they have sustained, many oxygen providers have found ways to remain standing. What’s their secret, and what are the new rules to the oxygen game?

Beautiful Music

Products & Technology

Beautiful Music

When provider operations smoothly mesh together, the resulting efficiency and productivity can music to an HME’s ears. To make that happen, providers are leveraging their software systems to deliver a virtuoso performance.


Products & Technology

Getting a Sound Sleep

As OSA awareness spreads and providers deal with increasing numbers of CPAP patients, one thing is clear: treatment compliance can be a challenge.We look at why patients fail to comply with CPAP treatment and how providers can help them.

Medical Science

Research Update

Promising Futures

Medical science is making promising inroads into the prevention and treatment of common respiratory ailments.


Trends & Trailblazers

Products and technology dominating the respiratory sector reflect the needs and wants of providers and their clients.

2010 Preview

The Big Ten

As with our 2009 Big Ten list, we aren’t limiting our choices to only product categories. In addition to product categories, we also have highlighted some key business and regulatory trends and opportunities HME providers will want to monitor and leverage. Likewise, many product categoriesand business trends are interrelated.


HME Higher Learning

For providers, sharpening their business game means sharpening their minds.

Oxygen Emporium

Oxygen Access

Are CMS and public policy pushing providers to the brink of closing up shop? How can they survive, and what will happen to patients?

The e-Commerce Equation

Leveraging the web in a patient-centered way.

Sleep Therapy and Alzheimer

The Restless Brain

Recent research points to a potential role for sleep therapists in helping patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

Products & Technology

In the Palm of Your Hand

As providers strive for increased efficiencies in order to cut costs while still offering high levels of client care, technology is becoming an increasingly important asset. One tool that is gaining favor both in the field and in the back office is the hand-held computer. Learn how these devices can boost service and accuracy.

HME Business Podcast