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Team Up With New Oxygen Technologies

New Oxygen Technologies Help Providers Reduce Deliveries and Still Service Patients

Speak Out! The Respiratory Industry Sounds Off

Responses to Respiratory Management’s Survey

A Compilation for Diabetes Management

Trends Point to Less Pain, Faster Testing, Bigger Wallets

OXYGEN: Cutting the Costs of Service

Legal Speak

Still in the Dark on the DRA

The Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 (DRA) revised the Medicare payment methodologies for oxygen and certain DME. Effective January 1, 2006, Medicare no longer pays for oxygen as a continuous rental. Under the new reimbursement methodology, Medicare will pay for oxygen equipment for only 36 continuous months.


Stay Vigilant in “Lame-Duck” Session of Congress

By the time you read this, the mid-term elections will have just ended. But does the result matter for the respiratory home medical industry?

16 Medtrade Products with the Most Buzz!

Editors Choice!

A Taste of Technology — Sweet Medicine for Providers?

While no one claims that technology is the panacea for all that ails the respiratory industry several providers are already using new technology to their benefit and manufacturers are bringing new software to market on a regular basis.

HME Business Podcast