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Passport to Portability

Portable Options in Flight and at Home

Turn Your Repair & Maintenance Headaches Into Revenue

As all the industry knows, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced changes to oxygen payments last Nov. 1, 2006. Within the ruling are provisions for the repair and maintenance of equipment. However, there is a gray area concerning what happens after a beneficiary owns the equipment. If transfer of ownership occurs after three years, but the provider is still responsible for equipment maintenance for five years, what happens in between?

The Untold Story of the Respiratory Industry

Digital Resolutions Countdown

Latest Software Trends Address Business Needs, Put HMEs on Track for 2007

Industry Inspiration

Even If It’s Wearable, It May Not Be the Right Fit!

Treating the Bariatric Client

Managing the Nuances of Obesity: Products & Perspectives

HME Business Podcast