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Under Siege

The Oxygen Industry Speaks...

Perhaps the most important thing to come out of these particularly challenging times is that people are sitting up and taking notice. Whichever part of the industry you serve, the bottom line message is one of concern, thoughtfulness and calls to action, motivated by a deep desire to provide the best services, equipment and treatment options for the client. When all of these factors come together in one strong voice, change can—and will—happen, for the greater good of the entire industry.

Waiting to Exhale

Wheezing Profit Margins Offset by Growing Market, New Trends in Technology for Asthma

Lobbying: What Have You Done For Me Lately?

Two industry coalitions are working hard to raise awareness of the issues and reverse some of the most challenging legislation the industry has seen in recent years.

Legal Speak

Facing the Inevitable

Given the challenges facing reimbursement for home oxygen under Medicare, DME companies are considering whether it makes sense to increase their “sleep business.”

The State of the Industry: And the Forecast Is: Torrential Change

Turbulent. Transitional. Dynamic. Ever-Changing. Struggling. This is how manufacturers responded when asked to describe the state of the respiratory industry. Nobody is under any illusions. Even the most optimistic recognizes the fundamental truth that the industry is experiencing perhaps its most intense period of change. Of course, it’s not the first time that changes have come around, but the levels of change proposed in such a relatively short period of time weigh heavily on the entire industry.

No Caffeine Required: Wide Awake in the Sleep Market

If it’s not already a cliché, it soon will be: The sleep segment of the DME respiratory market is booming. According to a Wachovia Securities survey published in January, 2006, brand-specific prescriptions for flow generators were up from 29 percent to 47 percent of prescriptions in the current survey. Market analysts predict an overall 20 percent growth in the sleep apnea market through 2007.

The Rainy Days of Oxygen Industry Legislation

At Home with Dealers

Rands Pharmacy and Surgical: Helping Clients Age in Place

Funding Focus

What Will the Future Bring For Oxygen Providers?

Where will oxygen providers be in 2007? 2008? Unfortunately, the answers are unclear. We have some guidelines from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS); however, much of it is vague and some of it is simply inconceivable. Our fight has already started.

HME Business Podcast