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Industry Inspiration

Patients First for Long-Term Oxygen Therapy

By Robert McCoy, BS, RRT, FAARC

The Sleep Market 2007

How Emerging Trends, Current Technology and Patient Education Are Shaping the Future

Editor's Note

Battle Cry

Ramping Up for the Future of Sleep Emerging Trends Focus on Diagnosis to Treatment Models

By Ron F. Richard, Senior VP of Strategic Marketing Initiatives, ResMed Corp.; Rebecca Olson, RRT, Clinical and Sales Manager, Oxygen One; and Jill Spellman, RRT, RCP, President, Oxygen One

Legal Speak

Medicare Audits: Recovery Audit Contractor Programs

Providers in California, New York and Florida may be facing the challenges of dealing with a new type of Medicare audit. Legislation passed by Congress last year guarantees them company. The Tax Relief and Health Care Act of 2006, known informally as the “physician fix” legislation, provides an expansion of the Medicare recovery audit contractor (RAC) program. RACs are private entities that contract with the Medicare program to supplement the audits performed by the traditional Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs). Note: RAC audits are in addition to, not in place of, the audits performed by the MACs or the Program Safeguard Contractors (PSCs).

Pressure Rescue

The Right Bed & Support Surface Might Save Lives and Reduce Costly Hospitalizations, But Is CMS Listening?

Are Sleep Labs a Threat to HMEs?

The home medical industry continues to buzz about the relationship between sleep labs, sleep centers and HME providers. It’s as close to a celebrity fistfight as we usually get in this industry. But is the rhetoric of “threat” and “competition” merely media hype? It really depends on whom you talk to.

Pediatric Respiratory

Diversify Your HME Business with Pediatric Asthma Services

Child-friendly nebulizer designs have become commonplace, but that is not the only exciting innovation under way in the field of pediatric asthma. The demand for pediatric asthma services from HMEs continues to grow, and with it comes increasing opportunities to diversify your business. There are a variety of products and services to consider.

HME Business Podcast