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Legal Speak

Bracing for Florida Fraud Cases Fallout

In May, the Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that 38 people had been arrested in the first phase of a targeted enforcement effort against individuals and companies committing fraud against Medicare. The arrests took place in South Florida and were the result of a multi-specialty task force that combines resources from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), including the Office of Inspector General (OIG), the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), the DOJ and the FBI. The targeted individuals and companies included suppliers of DME items and respiratory medications.

Accreditation Round-Up

Editor's Note

Bracing for a Storm

Industry Inspiration: Dr. James K. Walsh Co-Chair, National Sleep Awareness Roundtable

Dr. James K. Walsh is the co-chair of the National Sleep Awareness Roundtable (NSART). Walsh, a published author on sleep and its disorders, has served on the board of directors and held many offices for the American Sleep Disorders Association, the National Sleep Foundation and the Sleep Research Society. He is a past president of the American Sleep Disorders Association. NSART officially launched March 7 during National Sleep Awareness Week. For more information about the organization, visit

Planting Bariatric Roots

How Obesity Is Shaping the Future of Respiratory

Growth. For plants, generators of the air we breathe, the process begins small. A seed unfurls roots. The roots penetrate deeper into the earth, stabilizing the plant and drawing in nutrients for cell reproduction. The plant grows larger. The deeper the roots go, the greater the chance for the plant’s survival.

HME Business Podcast