No-Touch Resupply Brings Automation to Sleep Therapy

No-Touch Resupply Brings Automation to Sleep TherapyAny sleep provider will tell you resupply represents a critical component of patient care and therapy outcomes, as well as a fundamental element of their business performance. They’ll also tell you it is a costly and complex workflow desperately in need of as much automation as possible. Enter “no-touch resupply.”

Post-acute software company Brightree is developing what it calls no-touch resupply, and Michael Lorenz, Vice President of Resupply Software for Brightree, met with HME Business to describe the technology behind it, how it radically refines workflows, and what kinds of business efficiencies and care benefits providers can reap through this innovation.

This Viewpoint will provide the answers to:

  • What is meant by no-touch resupply?
  • How can the resupply process be automated and what are the steps involved?
  • What are the different innovations that are now making this level of automation possible?
  • How much does automation improve resupply performance?
  • What are providers leaving on the table if they don’t push towards automating their resupply?
  • Are there parts of resupply that still benefit from human interaction?
  • Are there other categories that this no-touch resupply technology could be used for?

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