DME Pharmacy December 2021

DME Pharmacy December 2021


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Must-Stock Retail DME Categories

What DME items should be sitting on your retail shelves? We take a look at some key product categories that any pharmacy specializing in DME products should offer.

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Wound Care: A Misunderstood Opportunity

Many DME pharmacies side-step offering reimbursable wound care products, but an expert explains why wound care might be much more approachable than they think.


Driving Innovation in Wound Care

New legislation could finally bring Medicaire reimbursement for single-use or disposable negative pressure wound therapy, which would help spread the use of these devices in the homecare setting.

Using DMEPOS Accreditation Strategically

Don't look at DMEPOS accreditation simply as a requirement. Rather, consider how you can leverage its value both in your internal procedures and in your healthcare marketplace.

Approaching Medicare's New Infusion Benefit

CMS has deemed a new infusion benefit that can be an opportunity for DME pharmacies. But it's important to understand how the benefit works and how accreditation plays a role.