December 2018 DME Pharmacy

DME Pharmacy December 2018


DME retail

Showcasing DME's Retail Superstars

By Leila McNeill

Several DME product categories are almost guaranteed sellers. What are the best ways to stock them so that you maximize their revenue potential?


Editor's Note

CBD's Quest for Market, Legal & Medical Legitimization

By David Kopf

CBD represents a solid market opportunity for DME pharmacies, but work needs to be done. Fortunately, we're getting there.


Sidebar: Dollars Per Square Foot

By Leila McNeill

How can you maximize your revenues for a small pharmacy?

The E-Commerce Opportunity

By David Kopf

There's a robust e-commerce market for DME products. How can your DME pharmacy tap into it?

DME Marketplace

By David Kopf

Succeeding in DME means offering a variety of options to your customers. Here are some of the latest products on the market for DME pharmacies to stock.