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Observation Deck

Fight for the Future of HME

The May 20-21 Washington Legislative Conference gives HME professionals a chance to back several key industry initiatives in person on Capitol Hill.

Home access opportunities for HME providers

Business Solutions

Home Access: Sharing Strengths

Home access opportunities for HME providers are booming like the population they serve, but it takes the right expertise and the right relationships to build a solid business. This month's cover story examines how providers can build their home access skills and referral networks.

Medicare Audit Update

Business Solutions

Treading Carefully

Medicare audits represent a shifting landscape in which audit contractors change their targets and priorities. We look at the latest changes and how providers should adjust, as well as the industry’s efforts to reform the currently out-of-control program.

Product Solutions


HME software has helped providers unlock information that can lead to powerful changes in their businesses. What are some of the latest options?

Editor's Note

HME's Glass is Half Full

After years of gloom, the year 2015 is giving the HME industry good reason to take heart.

Home Access Products

Home access providers must build a bedrock foundation of product knowledge. Here are some of the latest offerings on the market.

Provider Strategy

Making New Connections

The business of LinkedIn is building business. How can HME professionals leverage this powerful tool to advance their businesses as well as careers?

Problem Solvers

Getting the Most from a Good Thing

As popular as POCs and home filling systems have become, a learning curve remains. How can providers help patients to maximize their portable oxygen usage?

Stand Up for Homecare Recognizes Those Who ‘Give Back’

Paralympian discusses life after spinal chord injury at fundraiser befitting advocacy groups and patient-facing initiatives.

Private Payor Tips

Business Solutions

Private Payor Pro-Tips

Two industry experts sit down with HMEB to discuss the opportunities in the private payor arena and how providers can take advantage of them.

Business Solutions

Home Access Levels

An outline to help home access providers connect the progression of product/solution complexity to the levels of expertise required.

AAHomecare Sets Aggressive Legislative Agenda

Efforts include pushing binding bids over the top, advancing MPP, audit reform, separate CRT benefit, prior authorization, state licensure effort.

Providers Urged to Support CRT Sign-On Letter

Industry launches effort to get lawmakers to sign letter to CMS urging agency to not cut complex rehab reimbursement; deadline is noon, March 27.

Permobil Acquires ROHO

Wheelchair maker rounds out set of solutions with addition of support surface and positioning company.

AAHomecare Recruits Providers, Patients for COPD Study

Effort will study if beneficiary follow-up and education leads to better compliance and outcomes.

Providers Gear up for Medtrade Spring

Event features new features, reduced overlap of conference and expo, and extended sessions.

CRT Separate Benefit Bill Unveiled in House

Reps. Crowley and Sensenbrenner introduce H.R. 1516 into the lower chamber; bill would remove CRT items from capped rental.

Problem Solvers

Staying in the Game

Diabetes providers face a number of formidable challenges, but they can stay in the game, and also rise to the top through engaging with their patients.

Sen. Portman Cheers House Passage of H.R. 284

Lawmaker calls on peers in upper chamber to pass companion legislation that would require binding bids for competitive bidding.

3B Medical Files Action Against ResMed

3B alleges multiple anti-trust violations by ResMed; ResMed replies claims have no substance.

VIDEO: House Passes Binding Bids Legislation

H.R. 284’s passage means the industry can now focus its attention on the Senate in order to pass MCBIA.

Study: More Than Half the World Wants Better Sleep

Global sleep survey by Philips shows 80% of people rank sleep highest factor in wellbeing, but 57% say it could be better.

House Binding Bids Bill Slated for Monday Vote

House portion of bicameral Medicare Competitive Bidding Improvement Act would fix competitive bidding’s suicide bidding flaw.

Binding Bids Bills Gains More Co-Sponsors

House legislation boasts 59 backers, while Senate companion hovers at 5 signers.

N.Y. DOH Rejects Bidding for its Medicaid Program

State health department questions methods used by HHS OIG report advocating bidding for the state.

HME Business Podcast