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CMS Slates Next DME Open Door Forum

Jan. 11 call will be audio-only, streaming web event.

Problem Solvers

Sleeping Safe and Sound

Why providers need to emphasize bed safety, and how they can do it.

Flexible Software for HME

Products & Technology Annual Software Roundup

A Foundation for Flexibility

HME software is becoming a strategic necessity for survival and success in this industry, especially when it comes to the run-up to Round Two of competitive bidding. Round Two’s sheer size makes it an unknown challenge. We look at features from today’s software offerings to see how they can help providers prepare now for a still-unfolding tomorrow .

Building a Multi-Talented Team

Business Solutions

Building a Multi-Talented Team

Providers are facing tough management challenges these days: not only do they have to lay off valued team members in the face of reimbursement cuts, but they must do so without crushing staff morale. Moreover, they must also learn how to inspire and motivate remaining employees to take on new responsibilities. What are the solutions?

Observation Deck

Insurers: Let’s End Exclusion

It’s time for private health insurance to quit hiding behind accreditation.

Editor's Note

It’s the Smart Play

While a bidding repeal is everyone’s first option, the MPP is our surest bet.

Industry Groups Back Market-Based Alternative to Bidding

Letter to Congress urging replacement to competitive bidding show growing industry unity.

Troy Hosts Civil War Battlefields Tour Contest

Enter between Oct. 18 to Oct. 31 for a chance to win two free tickets for wheelchair tour.

Drive Medical Hires Rich Kocinski

Kocinski will expand presence in respiratory category.

MABIS DMI Healthcare Now Briggs Healthcare

New logo reflects business transformation.

VGM Group Offers ‘Faces of Advocacy’ Calendar

Full-color calendar is customizable for provider marketing.

 Drive Medical Buys Inovo/CHAD Therapeutics

The move aims to expand Drive’s presence in the respiratory for homecare, as well as long-term, hospital and emergency care markets.

Senior Lawmakers Call for Scrutiny of NCB

Appropriations Committee leaders task GAO with a comprehensive review of bid program.

NCB Will Force Community Pharmacies to Drop Diabetic Supplies

NCPA survey confirms that cuts from bid program will cause a mass exodus by community pharmacies.

HR-1041 Notches 6 More Backers

Bid repeal bill at 156 cosponsors as Congress approaches recess.

VGM Bidding Seminars Underway

Series of two-day events aims to give attendees the “ins and outs” of Round Two of competitive bidding.

Math Proves HME’s Value

Upcoming VGM study to be released at Medtrade demonstrates HME’s ROI.

Provider Strategy:

Standard Power: Are You in the Game?

A multitude of new rental specific products and services coupled with the rapidly expanding senior demographics provide excellent opportunities to the rental ready provider, but there are things to consider if you want to get in the game to win.

Competitive Bidding Crossroads

Business Solutions

Competitive Bidding Crossroads

The industry finds itself at a crossroads when it comes to the fight against competitive bidding. The toxic program clearly needs to be repealed, but the current political environment might not be hospitable to that proposal. Can the industry live with a middle ground solution?

power mobility providers

Business Solutions

Solving the Power Mobility Puzzle

The removal of the first-month purchase option has forever changed the standard power mobility industry? How have they fared since implementation? What does the HHS Office of Inspector General’s recently increased efforts to call mobility funding into question portend?

Respiratory providers competitive bidding

Respiratory and Sleep Funding Outlook

School of Hard Knocks

If Round Two wasn’t on respiratory providers’ radar, it probably is now, making it a good time to look at the recent past to peer into the near future.

Observation Deck

Righting the Wrong Perception

Sharing the Positive Story the HME Industry Has to Tell.

Sizing up the Super Committee

The Super committee was created as part of the budget and debt-ceiling agreement approved by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in August, and it could mean more funding trouble for the HME industry.

Disease Management

Disease Management

Hard Decisions

To HME providers and the industry as a whole, disease management has become a casualty of cuts, caps and competitive bidding.

Editor's Note

The Ultimate Bottom Line

If you believe that middle America is the true engine of the economic growth, then it is imperative that those residing in that economic sweet spot need to be regularly and gainfully employed so that they can invest back into the economy.

HME Business Podcast