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NCAMES Honors Rep. Ellmers

Association hosts breakfast with various industry personalities to celebrate congresswoman.

Maddak Launches OT Circle Program

ADL maker aims to support Occupational Therapists with network

AMEPA Gets Bidding Answers 

CBIC Ombudsman answers association questions about Round Two accreditation, subcontracting.

Home Access

Products & Technology

Home Access Opportunities

Providing home access services allows providers ways to drive new revenues that aren’t impacted by CMS’s continual funding cuts, while simultaneously developing expertise that helps them differentiate their businesses. We take a room-by-room look at the various home access service and product opportunities available to them.

Joe Petrolla

What Branding Means

How Seeley Medical shaped a solid branding strategy — and why you should, too.

Financing Home Access

Home access upgrades and remodels can be pricey. What are some options?

AHIA’s CEAC Certification

Ensuring the right expertise and knowledge on staff and in management is critical in home access services.

Clinician Talk:

Making the Right Match

Oxygen generating portables are the new norm. The question is which device for which patient?

CMS Call Outlines Demonstration Project Details

Today’s Open Door Forum yields PMD prior authorization project dates.

Observation Deck:

NCB: The Big Picture

Providers must constantly remember why competitive bidding is a backward move for America.

FIMBA Adds Sponsors

H.R. 1041’s Rep. Thompson rallies Washington Conference attendees to continue repeal bill’s momentum.

Provider Strategy:

Home Accessibility: The Opportunity

Home access is a top priority for patients.

Industry Circulates ‘Stop NCB’ Petition

Petition direction at several key government bodies up to 7,500 signatures.

AAHomecare Awards Mixon, Brant

Invacare CEO and AMEPA head honored for their industry advocacy.

Providers Descend on the Hill

From Washington — Pushing for the CBO to score MPP tops industry’s lobbying agenda.

AAHomecare Slashes Washington Conference Fees

Citing high legislative stakes, association whacks entry to $100 for non-members, free for members.

Round 2 Bidding Opens

All bids must be submitted, and packages received by CBIC by March 30.

New Study: Poor Reimbursement Hurts Diabetes Care

Diabetes Working Group report also cites patient adherence and not enough time with patients.

CBIC Posts Bidding Education Materials

Reference guide and new webcast available to Round 2, mail-order providers.

CMS Extends Round 2 Licensure Deadline

All applicable licenses must be received by NSC on or before May 1.

Software System Audit Features


Oxygen Profiles

Retooling for Survival

A look at oxygen providers who have overhauled their businesses to not only survive, but thrive.

Accrediting Organizations

Accreditation is a key consideration for Round Two of competitive bidding.

Word to the Wise: the KX Modifier

Competitive Bidding

Business Solutions

Round Two Reality Check

The bidding window for Round Two opens this month, and providers must ensure they have a well thought-out strategy to stand even a ghost of a chance at getting a contract offer. How should they prepare while still fi ghting to stop NCB?

HME Business Podcast