

Increasing Patient Engagement

Patient engagement is becoming the norm for U.S. healthcare, and Patient Hub aims to increase the fluidity and ease of HME provider-patient communications.


Sleep Masks: Finding the Right Fit

Fisher & Paykel showcases a trio of offerings aimed at helping providers get sleep patients fitted correctly the first time around.


Pursuing Specialized Accreditation

Accrediting organization The Compliance Team and respiratory provider Breath of Life discuss the Patient-Centered Respiratory Home Accreditation program.


A Closer Look at Airvo

Nasal high-flow therapy is relatively new to respiratory care, and it’s now finding its way into the home. Fisher and Paykel’s James Gibbons explains how it works.


What e-Prescription Means for HME

Health IT interoperability expert Nick Knowlton of Brightree discusses how e-prescription can benefit HME providers.

lookout scope

Business Solutions

A Look Ahead For HME

Each October we ask the members of HMEB’s editorial advisory board to share their insights into the trends, obstacles, challenges and opportunities that providers will likely encounter over the next several months. This year, the board members are pointing to several developments that providers might not have on their radars.


Products & Technology

10 E-Commerce Winners

Providers face two pivotal trends: retail sales and a growing volume of online HME purchases. For providers looking to capitalize on the expanding e-commerce market for HME, we profile 10 categories that are performing the best and round up some of the latest offerings in those categories.

Oxygen and Travel

Special Focus on Portable Oxygen

02 On The Go

How can respiratory providers help their long-term oxygen therapy patients travel?

oxygen rental

Special Focus on Portable Oxygen

The Two Sides of Rental

While respiratory providers typically focus on Medicare's 36-month rental, there is also a short-term rental market. Entering either requires solid planning.


Business Solutions

Retail: Having the Right Plan

Planograms represent a critical element in providers' merchandising strategies. However, they are often underutilized. How do planograms help sell? What goes into an effective planogram? How can providers start integrating and implementing planograms into their showrooms?

remote patient monitoring

Special Focus on Portable Oxygen

Seeing the Bigger Picture

What factors need to happen in order for remote patient monitoring to become an ubiquitous care technology for oxygen provider and patients?

2018 HME Business Handbook: Oxygen

How To Optimize Portable Oxygen Business Efficiency

How respiratory providers offering portable oxygen services can maximize their efficiency gains.

2018 HME Business Handbook: Oxygen

How To Enhance Oxygen Care Through Remote Monitoring

Remote device and patient monitoring are making in-roads into oxygen therapy. What do oxygen providers need to know?

2018 HME Business Handbook: Accreditation

How To Use Accreditation To Sharpen Your Competitive Edge

Accreditation represents much more than an obligatory paperwork requirement that comes up for renewal every three years. it’s an opportunity to use the process as a means to sharpen their business strategies.

2018 HME Business Handbook: Compression

How To Use Compression To Reach The Women's Health Market

Compression products are an excellent method for reaching the women’s health market, but it's not a slam-dunk. What do providers need to keep in mind?

2018 HME Business Handbook: MSO

How To Maximize An MSO's Education Offerings

Building a highly effective team requires education. How can an MSO membership help?

2018 HME Business Handbook: Enternal Nutrition

How To Get Started In Enteral Nutrition

Given the patient population and variety of products, providers looking to expand their revenues should look into enteral nutrition.

2018 HME Business Handbook: Home Access

How To Identify And Work With Home Access Partners

Home access can help providers tap into a vast retail market, but as the complexity goes up, a partnership might make sense. How should you approach?


HME Leadership by the Book

While the industry might face new kinds of challenges, effective business leadership is shaped by timeless principles that do not change. How can you take some of the oldest "old school" leadership principles and apply them to running a modern HME business?

man thinking about revenue

Business Solution

Revene Cycle Management Hits HME

Revenue cycle management is a business practice that has existed for some time in larger healthcare organizations, but it is now becoming necessary for running HME businesses. What is RCM, precisely, and how can providers apply it to their companies? What resources can help them?

HME Business Podcast