Editor's Note
Could big swings in healthy habits put providers into 'future shock?'
- By David Kopf
- Jun 01, 2015
2015 HME Handbook
A showroom must feel inviting, comfortable, and in a way, empowering. Retail customers want options, information and a range of solutions that can help make an informed purchase, and above all, they want to feel like they are in charge. Providers can create a showroom that instils all these components of the retail experience.
Editor's Note
Could big swings in future generations' healthy lifestyle habits put providers into ‘future shock?’ HME professionals will have to keep pace with increasingly fleet-footed change.
- By David Kopf
- May 15, 2015
Acquisition would help expand Northwest Texas provider’s efforts to serve patients, physicians in Panhandle.
- By David Kopf
- May 13, 2015
Provider Strategy
How can providers looking to leave the market, properly time their exit? The answer lies in understand several key factors.
- By Bradley Smith
- Apr 16, 2015
Provider Strategy
The business of LinkedIn is building business. How can HME professionals leverage this powerful tool to advance their businesses as well as careers?
- By Jennifer Heller
- Apr 01, 2015
Provider Strategy
How to find, train and give employees the tools to excel at running your retail business.
- By Rob Baumhover
- Mar 01, 2015
Provider Strategy
HME providers often consider patient management services to keep patients on therapy and increase resupply revenue. For many providers, the decision often comes to a head when manual processes aren’t keeping up with patient needs, and that is where automation can be a game-changer.
- By Matthew Dolph
- Feb 01, 2015
Business Solutions
Providers across the industry have been breaking into retail sales, but they can’t truly become a cash sales success story until they have created a showroom that can do the selling for them. What goes into creating the right retail sales space? From site selection, to signage, to displays, we interview experts to examine what providers need to do to create a winning retail showroom.
- By David Kopf
- Feb 01, 2015
Observation Deck
Over the next year, many providers will consider moving away from a predominantly Medicare-based business model to a more integrated approach. To navigate 2015’s rapidly changing landscape, providers must think differently about how they run their business. Here are five solid, strategic approaches to a fruitful 2015.
- By Chris Watson
- Feb 01, 2015
Purchase of Wis. HME company will expand Nebraska provider’s into new markets.
- By David Kopf
- Jan 15, 2015
2015 Preview
As HME businesses continue to drive new revenue in 2015, the New Year also brings some serious challenges. We explore the solutions and opportunities in this year's list.
- By David Kopf
- Jan 01, 2015
Kauten will head member service organization’s web development and web marketing division.
- By David Kopf
- Dec 17, 2014
Provider Strategy
Re-supply is a key way sleep therapy providers and other HME businesses can reinforce their revenues in the face of reimbursement cuts, but it requires investing in information technology to be a successful business strategy.
- By Russell Parker
- Dec 01, 2014
Observation Deck
One provider takes stock of the true personal and professional cost paid when a home medical equipment business has to fight for survival in the face of CMS's competitive bidding and reimbursement cuts.
- By John Eberhart
- Dec 01, 2014
Business Solutions
- By Joseph Duffy
- Nov 01, 2014
Observation Deck
- By Chris Calderone
- Nov 01, 2014
Problem Solvers
Providers have been rapidly pushing into retail sales to drive revenue in the face of declining Medicare and private payor reimbursement. But retail has a culture and a “feel” all its own. How can providers can create “retail experience” that will get customers and patients to buy?
- By David Kopf
- Nov 01, 2014
Event features business solutions as well as power soccer exhibit.
- By David Kopf
- Oct 30, 2014
Industry Roundtable
Members of HMEB's Editorial Advisory Board share their expert insights on key market and reimbursement trends that are directly impacting providers, as well as business and industry initiatives on which providers must act.
- By David Kopf
- Oct 01, 2014