Products & Technology
By David Kopf
Now that HME-specific IT solutions are the norm when it comes to managing HME businesses, providers have started to amass a considerable amount of patient information. How can HME providers use that information and the reporting tools offered by their software systems to work with referral partners to help drive improved outcomes?
Products & Technology
By David Kopf
Orthopedic softgoods are needed by a variety of patients, and those products offer a solid blend of both funded and retail revenue. What are the key patient groups, their needs and the products that serve them? Also how can providers plan and build their orthopedic businesses to ensure continued, long-term success? What assets make for the best approach?
Editor's Note
By David Kopf
HME will push the 114th one last time for rural bid relief. Can we make a lame duck fly?
Observation Deck
By Rob Boeye
ERP software helps providers drive efficiency, but what’s it worth to you?
Provider Strategy
By Ellen Sluder
Technology can decrease errors, improve response time, ensure compliance and grow your pipeline.
Product Solutions
By David Kopf
While competitive bidding has slashed diabetes funding, it still represents a key market for providers. We look at some recent offerings on the market.