DME Pharmacy June 2016


DME billing

Solving the DME Billing Puzzle

By Joseph Duffy

Billing Medicare for DME claims can be complex, especially for pharmacies that might be new to the process. How can special software solutions help?

Pharmacy Accreditation

Building Community, Building Credibility

By Joseph Duffy

Accreditation is not just about revenue streams — it's also about being able to service your community. Here’s what you need to know about pharmacy accreditation.


DMEPOS Accreditation for Pharmacies: First-Hand Advice

By Joseph Duffy

Several key tips from one pharmacist on how other pharmacies should approach DME accreditation.

A DME Billing Q&A with Newhard Pharmacy

By Joseph Duffy

This family pharmacy has offered a full line of DME for longer than 40 years — and sharpened its billing in the process.

Products that Make $ense

By David Kopf

Pharmacies entering the DME space will quickly learn retail is a critical way to drive revenue

Providing Incontinence Products the Right Way

By Joseph Duffy

Incontinence solutions are a key element in DME product lineups, but caring service is crucial.