At Home with Dealers
Company Name: Green and Jackson Medical
Location/Contact Info:
19 West Main St.
Walla Walla, WA 99362
(509) 529-1700
Fax: (509) 529-3473
[email protected]
Established: 187
Types of products sold: DME, Oxygen, Incontinence, Ostomy, Wound and Diabetic supplies, Orthotics, and Aids to Daily Living.
Size of Company: Approximately 5,000 clients served last year.
Fun Fact: Green and Jackson was established in 1872 as a pharmacy. When the pharmacy portion was sold in 1999, Green and Jackson was the oldest pharmacy in the state of Washington. We still display relics from the original pharmacy in our store! |
Home Health Products spoke to Estée Pummel, operations manager at Green and Jackson Medical.
Q: What's unique about your store?
A: We focus on customer service. We go the extra mile to find special order items for our clients. We measure carefully and recommend products that will best fit the patient, rather than what we can make the most profit on. We try to carry items in stock that patients need most often so that they won't have to wait. When people come to our store, it is usually because they or a loved one are going through a difficult experience. We do all we can to make things easier for our clients. We take the time to talk with our clients and listen to them, no matter how long it takes for them to feel comfortable.
Q: What component of your business is working well for you?
A: Mobility Aids/Rehab are growing fast, and our reputation as a reliable source for quality equipment and service is increasing daily.
Q: What have learned from your experience in the HME industry?
A: I have learned how much of an impact a change in the health status of a loved one can have on an entire family — how even the most educated people can be left at a loss as to what to do when faced with the complicated issues of caregiving.
Q: Do you think the HME industry is changing?
A: Absolutely. I believe HME dealers will have to stop relying on insurance sales as a primary source of income and diversify to include purely retail items.
Q: How do you think the industry could be improved?
A: Better enforcement of the "self-referral" laws would level the playing field and lead to better customer service and more honest competition.
This article originally appeared in the November 2005 issue of HME Business.