May 2018 HME Business

May 2018



HME Leadership by the Book

By Jonathan Walters

While the industry might face new kinds of challenges, effective business leadership is shaped by timeless principles that do not change. How can you take some of the oldest "old school" leadership principles and apply them to running a modern HME business?

man thinking about revenue

Business Solution

Revene Cycle Management Hits HME

By David Kopf

Revenue cycle management is a business practice that has existed for some time in larger healthcare organizations, but it is now becoming necessary for running HME businesses. What is RCM, precisely, and how can providers apply it to their companies? What resources can help them?

man opening a door

Business Solutions

Opening Orthopedic Opportunities

By David Kopf

Offering orthopedic soft goods presents providers with a significant market opportunity that blends retail and funded revenue. Moreover, the patient groups using orthopedic products are people that providers often already serve. How can HME businesses open the door?


Editor's Note

Providing Your Value

By David Kopf

Social media offers a powerful way to bond with clients. Has the Facebook scandal changed that?

Observation Deck

9 Ways to Thrive in Tough Times

By Bradley Smith

There are proven ways HME businesses can rise above any barriers.


Product Solutions: Retail Sales

By David Kopf

A look at some of the latest retail-ready HME offerings on the market.


Tricky Territory: Collecting Patient Payments

By David Kopf

Providers need to start collecting co-pays up-front. How can they ease the change?

HME Business Podcast