Business Solutions
By Joseph Duffy
The steep challenges providers face when it comes to Medicare claims audits have only grown taller. HMEB talks to experts who offer smart documentation polices that can help them scale this difficult summit.
Products & Technology
By David Kopf
Medtrade returns to Las Vegas's Mandalay Bay Convention Center from March 30 to April 1. We look at some of the key events and educational opportunities, as well as preview some of the offerings that will be showcased at the expo.
Provider Strategy
By Rob Baumhover
How to find, train and give employees the tools to excel at running your retail business.
Editor's Note
By David Kopf
It's time to take a moment and give credit where credit is due: the work that home medical equipment providers do is truly life affirming, and often life lengthening — and it certainly made a marvelous difference for my family.
Observation Deck
By Steve Ackerman
Bidding reforms are making solid progress, but they need providers' help.
By Joseph Duffy
With HME sleep providers reporting that their sleep patient volume grew 5.2 percent in 2014, sleep remains an essential revenue driver with tremendous potential. We take a look at some of the latest sleep products on the market.
By Joseph Duffy
HME Audit key looks to show impact of Medicare audits on providers