Business Solutions
By David Kopf
As a variety of reimbursement cuts drive down provider revenues to the point that turning a profi t practically becomes untenable, they need new revenue sources. Fortunately, retail sales offer them a way to revitalize their bottom line. The only hitch is that providers face a steep learning curve they must surmount in short order — especially with Round Two of competitive bidding looming. How can they prepare their businesses for this new challenge?
Product & Technology
By David Kopf
Many providers are ready and willing to dive into retail sales, but they need an entry point. We review some key product categories that offer providers easy entry points into cash sales. We review not only categories that offer the simplest and quickest avenues into retail, but also categories that offer a growth track toward more lucrative offerings as they gain experience and expertise.
Observation Deck
By Julie Pello
Professionals, processes and partners pave the way toward complex rehab success.
Editor’s Note
By David Kopf
The industry must give the MPP a unified push while there’s still time.
Problem Solvers
By Joseph Duffy
Leveraging GPS throughout company operations.