Business Solutions
By David Kopf
The industry finds itself at a crossroads when it comes to the fight against competitive bidding. The toxic program clearly needs to be repealed, but the current political environment might not be hospitable to that proposal. Can the industry live with a middle ground solution?
Provider Strategy:
By Joe Chesna
A multitude of new rental specific products and services coupled with the rapidly expanding senior demographics provide excellent opportunities to the rental ready provider, but there are things to consider if you want to get in the game to win.
Observation Deck
By Cara C. Bachenheimer
Sharing the Positive Story the HME Industry Has to Tell.
Editor's Note
By David Kopf
If you believe that middle America is the true engine of the economic growth, then it is imperative that those residing in that economic sweet spot need to be regularly and gainfully employed so that they can invest back into the economy.
Business Solutions
By Joseph Duffy
The removal of the first-month purchase option has forever changed the standard power mobility industry? How have they fared since implementation? What does the HHS Office of Inspector General’s recently increased efforts to call mobility funding into question portend?
By David Kopf
The Super committee was created as part of the budget and debt-ceiling agreement approved by Congress and signed into law by President Obama in August, and it could mean more funding trouble for the HME industry.
Problem Solvers
By Joseph Duffy
With people choosing to age in their homes, there is significant revenue potential for HME providers that offer major upgrade services for bathroom safety. But it’s a specialty most providers cannot offer without the help of professional construction partners. Fortunately, there are a couple of organizations that offer both the education and partnership network necessary to serve a clientele desperate to stay in their homes.