Business Solutions
By Joseph Duffy
In an industry shaken by cuts, caps and competitive bidding, providers are revisiting their entrepreneurial roots to uncover ways of bringing in more non-reimbursement business. Two key areas for that expansion are compression and orthopedic goods.
Products & Technology
By David Kopf
As providers try to find their way through a maze of funding threats, they are striving to find new efficiencies and cut costs in order to boost their ever-narrowing margins. A key cost center in this regard is delivery operations. What tools and technologies are available to help HMEs chart a course to increased profitability?
Clinician Talk
By Joseph Lewarski
Today, nearly every modern portable oxygen device incorporates an oxygen conserving technology. OCDs are routinely used with ambulatory LTOT patients to a level that is arguably the standard of care in the United States.
Observation Deck
By Ted Metcalf
Lobbying for positive legislative outcomes is no different than any other relationship management activities a business engages in, it just happens to be with a different group of individuals. If we look at it from that standpoint, the steps we take become familiar.
Editor's Note
By David Kopf
Round Two might have been officially been delayed, but don’t let CMS fool you; it will strive to implement this program no matter how broken and harmful it is.
Problem Solvers
By Joseph Duffy
HME Business talked to Dan Lafferty, director of marketing, alternate channels, with SCA Personal Care, for advice on dealing with 20- to 40-year-old incontinence sufferers.