Business Solutions
By David Kopf
As CMS slashes its way through Medicare funding of DME, providers must prioritize cost-cutting. Their largest cost center? Inventory. By automating inventory management, providers can take advantage of newfound efficiencies and increased control in order to drive money back to their bottom lines. Story includes a round-up of various HME software offerings’ inventory management features.
Cover Feature
By Joseph Duffy
Beds and support surfaces are cornerstone DME for providers, and it is critical for them to take their understanding of how these offerings suit various patient needs to the next level. This not only includes ramping up safety and funding knowledge, but also how proper bedding can impact a patient’s emotional wellbeing.
Clinician Talk
By Julie Piriano
Clinical and Documentation Demands Related to MRADLs
Problem Solvers
By Joseph Duffy
Understanding unique compression needs and
treatments for lymphedema patients.