Business Solutions
By David Kopf
The rules keep changing for oxygen providers, but they’re still in the game. As many hits as they have sustained, many oxygen providers have found ways to remain standing. What’s their secret, and what are the new rules to the oxygen game?
Products & Technology
By David Kopf
When provider operations smoothly mesh together, the resulting efficiency and productivity can music to an HME’s ears. To make that happen, providers are leveraging their software systems to deliver a virtuoso performance.
Editor's Note
By David Kopf
Will the mainstream news media ever cover the homecare industry fairly?
Observation Deck
By Mark E. Smith
Strengthening the industry's voice by engaging clients in advocacy.
Product Premier
By David Kopf
New nasal pillow system aims to increase patient ease of use in order to drive treatment compliance.
Problem Solver
By David Kopf
How some oxygen providers are leveraging liquid-to-gas systems to slash their cylinder refilling costs.
By Laura Swift
A wide variety of patients can benefit from compression garments, including those who might not be typical homecare patients. The range of compression garment clients includes geriatric patients, individuals with foot swelling, mild edema, varicose veins, thrombosis, varicosities and diabetes patients.