Respiratory Management July/August 2008

Respiratory Management July/August 2008


Tech Talk

Is the Sleep Market Slowing?

Results of the Wachovia 2008 Sleep Survey — a partnership with HME Business, Respiratory Management’s sister publication — reveal a slowdown of the sleep market. According to the study, HME providers expect their sleep revenue to grow by 10 percent in the next 12 months vs. 11 percent last year.

Stepping Into Liquid

By Elisha Bury

Whether you’re currently carrying liquid oxygen or you’re in one of the metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in the competitive bidding program, chances are you’re examining the viability of liquid. While there are many clinical benefits of this modality, especially from a patient standpoint, traditionally, the costs for providing liquid have been prohibitive. If you’re reconsidering liquid or just looking for a way to stay profitable, here are some things you should know.


Provider Perspective: Kim Wiles, Vice President of Respiratory Services, Klingensmith Health Care

By Patricia Dinwiddie

Funding Focus

Getting Involved with HST: Why Are You Stalling?

By Kelly Riley

Home sleep testing, also known as portable monitoring, has been around for years, yet the recent National Coverage Decision (NCD) memo issued by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has many folks squirming. The NCD allows payment for CPAP devices based on unattended studies vs. traditional in-lab studies. Most HME providers want to be ready, but without a published Local Coverage Determination (LCD) from the Medicare Administrative Carriers (MAC) medical directors, they are hesitant to set company policy, communicate to referral sources or develop marketing plans.

Letter From the Editor

Living in a Reality World

By Elisha Bury

Provider Perspective: Patricia Dinwiddie, RRT, Clinical Director, Resp-I-Care

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