Whether it is accreditation, preparing a competitive bid, expanding your retail sales, tightening your business efficiency or changing your business model, providers need to take proactive measures to survive the tough reimbursement and competitive bidding environment ahead.
Automotive Access Steers Toward Consumer Demand. The extent to which providers are involved in automotive access is reflective of the spectrum of automotive access products that exist in the market.
The connection of sleep disordered breathing and diabetes may result from an increase in sympathetic nervous activity resulting from repeated apneas that may cause the release of glucose into from the muscles into the bloodstream.
Meeting the Needs of Clients with Quadriplegia -- Depending on the client and diagnosis, benefits of standing can include contracture prevention, maintained or improved range of motion, decreased spasticity, osteoporosis prevention, balance restoration, pressure relief, improved social skills and cognition, possibly because respiratory functions and strength are improved.
Senior drivers 70 years of age or older who take classroom driving improvement courses and behind the wheel training can improve their driving performance, according to a new study released by the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety and Yale University.
Medtrade, the HME industry’s biggest tradeshow of the year, was down in attendance, but several manufacturers reported that the number of attendees making buying decisions on the show floor was up in numbers.
espironics Inc. has announced that it has acquired 100 percent of the outstanding shares of Apollo Light Systems Inc.
Pride USA’s president, Dan Meuser announced that he’ll seek the Republican nomination in the race for Pennsylvania’s 10th Congressional District.