

The 2013 HME Handbook: Bariatrics

Building Your Bariatric Business

The numbers don't lie: the prevalence of obesity in America continues to rise. HME providers need to consider how they need to respond to that unfortunate trend.


The 2013 HME Handbook: Compression

Active Therapy for Active Lifestyles

Home Access

The 2013 HME Handbook: Home Access

Safety Starts at Home


The 2013 HME Handbook: Oxygen

The ABCs of POCs

How to educate patients on portable oxygen systems for optimal results.

Cash Sales

The 2013 HME Handbook: Cash Sales

Making Retail Feel Real

Sleep Slowdown


Sleep Slowdown

Sleep growth appears to be slowing, according to the second quarter 2013 survey of sleep providers. Respondents to the twice-yearly survey indicated that HME sleep revenue growth could slow over then next 12 months.


The 2013 HME Handbook: Accreditation

Crossing T's and Dotting I's

Accounts Receiveable

The 2013 HME Handbook: Accounts Receiveable

Co-Pays Hit Critical Mass


The 2013 HME Handbook: CPM

Flexible, Considerate Therapy


The 2013 HME Handbook: Software

Laying a Retail Foundation

Cash Sales

The 2013 HME Handbook: Cash Sales

Adding Value to Add Revenue

Oxygen University


Oxygen University

Helping educate referral partners on the sizeable and continuous technological improvements of oxygen delivery systems is challenging, but it is also a very good opportunity for HME providers to create more business.

Sleep Slowdown


Sleep Slowdown

Sleep growth appears to be slowing, according to the second quarter 2013 survey of sleep providers. Respondents to the twice-yearly survey indicated that HME sleep revenue growth could slow over then next 12 months.

HME Super Staff

Products & Technology

Shaping Your Super Staff

A key change providers are facing in the wake of funding cuts is smaller staffs. How can providers leverage software to get optimal performance from their team members, and what are the staff management capabilities offered by the various systems on the market?

Home Access

Business Solutions

Home Access -- The Big Leagues

Providers know that home access offers a clear way to expand their business offerings and drive additional retail revenues. But what about providers who want to offer higher-ticker services and products, such as room remodels and home lifts? What do they need to do and know in order to trade up to the home access major leagues?

HME Super Staff

Products & Technology

Shaping Your Super Staff

Software has been a key element in running agile, successful HME businesses that can adapt to changes. One key change providers are facing in the wake of funding cuts is smaller staffs. How can providers leverage software to get optimal performance from their team members, and what are the staff management capabilities offered by the various systems on the market?

HME Then & Now

HME Then & Now

As HME Business magazine celebrates its 20th anniversary, we asked various industry veterans to share their thoughts on where the industry has been, where it is headed, what providers should be considering, and how they should be shaping their strategies and business plans to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.

Portable Oxygen

Portable Oxygen: The Next Step

Portable oxygen concentrators have ushered in a revolution, with use having skyrocketed over the last five years, but what does the future hold? Industry experts are optimistic about the future of portable oxygen in general.

Rock-Solid Documentation

Business Solutions

Steps to Rock-Solid Documentation

As providers continue to find themselves swimming in a sea of post- and pre-payment Medicare audits, they know flawless documentation is their best life line. What are the key ways they can implement strong documentation?

HME Then & Now

HME Then & Now

As HME Business magazine celebrates its 20th anniversary, we asked various industry veterans to share their thoughts on where the industry has been, where it is headed, what providers should be considering, and how they should be shaping their strategies and business plans to face the challenges of today and tomorrow.

HME Business Podcast