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Innomed, DeVilbiss Dissolve Distribution Agreement

Sleep, respiratory product maker transitions to direct sales model.

Quantum, Pride Add Executives

Finn promoted to Chief Operating Officer, Cummins hired as Chief Technology Officer.

Universal Software, A/R Allegiance Enter Strategic Relationship

HME software firm will integrate billing company's CollectPlus program.

Ambulatory Infusion Market Poised to Skyrocket

Study: market for disposable ambulatory pumps to grow by $100M by 2017.

Tom Ryan Takes AAHomecare Leadership Spot

N.Y. provider and HME advocate becomes association's president, CEO.

Invacare Passes Second FDA Audit

DME manufacturer begins work on most comprehensive of series of three third-party audits.

AAHomecare, AMEPA Merge

AMEPA marks second national association folded into AAHomecare this year.

Observation Deck

Stopping the CMS Juggernaut

The CMS steamroller will run over patients as it crushes providers. Is that what it's going to take to get Congress to understand the real cost of this poorly considered and implemented program?

Taking It on the Road

Given the cost savings to providers and increased independence and care for patients, the popularity of portable oxygen concentrators has grown significantly over recent years. We take a look at some of the latest solutions on the market.

CMS Proposes Capped Rental Rule for DME

Far-reaching rule would move various DME over $150 allowable to capped rental

Provider Strategy

The Devil is in the Details

New "nondiscrimination" rules included in competitive bidding will force providers to streamline their 'product fleet if they want to ensure they can attain optimal profitability.

Ty Bello

Industry Newsmaker

Keeping Pace With Change

As president of sales and leadership consulting firm Team@Work, Ty Bello founded his business more than a decade ago to help HME provider businesses increase their organizational, management, sales and marketing effectiveness. How has his approach changed with the industry and technology?

Oxygen Delivery

Oxygen Delivery

Speedy Delivery

Transitioning to low/no-delivery business models is the end game for nearly all oxygen providers, but they must still contend with their existing delivery operations. We look at how they're leveraging technology and other tools to drive efficiency and cut costs.

outsourcing HME business

Business Solutions

The Art of Cloning Yourself

As HMEs realize they can't do it all, outsourcing various business functions is becoming an increasingly important element in HME business management. How are they reshaping heir businesses to take better advantage of the services available to them?

senior patients

Business Solutions

Branching Out

HME providers know the senior marketplace cold. But, as providers continue to explore ways they can expand and diversify their revenue sources, could they better leverage that knowledge to expand into opportunities in the senior care marketplace?

Editor's Note

Playing in the Playground

A recent trip to Sequoia National Park shows how awe-inspiring providing access to national treasures can be. And that access is something to be proud of.

Oxygen Market Analysis

Fifth Annual Oxygen Market Analysis

Round Two Leaves Unsure Future

Oxygen providers sound off about Round Two of competitive bidding, portable oxygen and treatment methods in our fifth annual oxygen market survey. Despite all the challenges, two thirds say they've seen growth. Can they sustain it?

Business Solutions

Outsourcing Options

Problem Solvers

Devising Effective Retail Marketing

Cash sales is a must for survival- and success-minded providers alike, but they have to develop a solid marketing strategy. What are some key considerations?

Crossing T's and Dotting I's

How to leverage accreditation policies and procedures to maximize compliance.

Acting Fast

How to simplify accreditation for new category additions.

Getting Your Ducks in a Row

How to implement documentation procedures to protect claims from audits and respond to auditor requests.

Service Solutions: Accreditation

A look at recent offerings from some of the 10 accreditation organizations serving HMEs.

The DMEPOS Documentation Tour

An operations approach to ‘getting it done.’

ResMed Moves to Enforce Patents

Files ITC legal action and federal court complaint against BMC and 3B; move impacts Drive Medical masks.

HME Business Podcast