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2015 HME Handbook

How to Properly Prepare Your Organization for ICD-10

The Department of Health and Human Services issued a rule setting Oct. 1 as the ICD-10 compliance date for healthcare providers, health plans, and healthcare clearinghouses. What should HME providers do to ensure they comply?

Editor's Note

HME's G-g-ggenerations

Could big swings in healthy habits put providers into 'future shock?'

2015 HME Handbook

How to Create an Effective Retail Experience

A showroom must feel inviting, comfortable, and in a way, empowering. Retail customers want options, information and a range of solutions that can help make an informed purchase, and above all, they want to feel like they are in charge. Providers can create a showroom that instils all these components of the retail experience.

2015 HME Handbook

How to Coordinate CPM Treatment with Referral Partners

Given that the application of CPM devices is post-surgical, and sometimes immediately after surgery, while the patient is in the hospital, the key for providers finding success in providing CPMs comes down to ensuring that the service meets the post-surgery needs of the physician.How can a provider start to create these relationships?

2015 HME Handbook

How to Ensure You Maximize Your HME Software Investment

HME-specific software has brought revolutionary change to the industry, but is it time for providers to review their systems? Have new, needed features been added? Will the system support big business plans that will unfold over the next few year? We look at how providers can maximize their software investment.

AAHomecare Delays Medicaid Cuts

Association secures push-back of HME cuts contained in the 21st Century Cures Bill; offers prior-authorization as a pay-for.

Quantum Unveils iLevel Website

Site shows users, clinicians and providers how elevated seating can improve wheelchair user’s quality of life.

Letizia Sworn in as AAHomecare Chair

Lifelong provider professional takes up association’s reins as Steedley ends term; aims to continue industry’s success with incremental advocacy approach.

Lawmakers, Industry Laud Mixon

Rep. Tiberi presents retiring Invacare head with eponymous Lifetime Achievement Award from AAHomecare; House Speaker Rep. Boehner, Sen. Portman also offer their praise.

Rep. Blackburn Introduces Prior Authorization Bill

Tenn. lawmaker’s legislation would require CMS program to establish a program for higher cost DME similar to the power mobility demonstration project.

AAHomecare’s Steedley Touts MPP at Ways and Means Hearing

Association’s outgoing chairman outlines to the Subcommittee on Health the various flaws of competitive bidding and how the MPP can fix them.

Editor's Note

HME’s G-g-g-generations

Could big swings in future generations' healthy lifestyle habits put providers into ‘future shock?’ HME professionals will have to keep pace with increasingly fleet-footed change.

Washington Legislative Conference Just Around the Corner

Next week’s event gives providers an opportunity to lobby lawmakers and their staffs on behalf of various industry legislative initiatives.

AAHomecare’s Steedley to Testify at Ways and Means Hearing

Chairman will wrap up his influential term leading the association's board by explaining to the Subcomittee on Health why the MPP is a better alternative to competitive bidding.

BritKare Home Medical Picks Up Pillar Equipment Services

Acquisition would help expand Northwest Texas provider’s efforts to serve patients, physicians in Panhandle.

VGM Heartland Conference Scores an Award

Member service organization’s 2014 expo and conference wins “Event of the Year;” 2015 event slated for June 15-18.

MHPA Taps Moore to Lead Policy Team

HHS appointee will oversee policy, advocacy and research staff for national trade association for Medicaid plans.

Mixon Poised to Receive Advocacy Award

Rep. Tiberi will present Invacare’s Mal Mixon with AAHomecare’s Legislative Advocate Lifetime Achievement Award at Washington Legislative Conference.

Pediatric Diabetic Spending Sees Jump

Healthcare spending for privately insured diabetic children experienced sharp gains between 2011 and 2013.

Sunrise Picks up UK’s RGK

Wheelchair, seating manufacturer acquires English maker of custom chairs.

U.S. Rehab, Pitt Enter Research Agreement

Deal gives U.S. Rehab providers access to University of Pittsburgh’s Functional Mobility Assessment survey data.


Product Spotlight

Bringing Things Under One Roof

HME software company Mediware's new CareTend platform aims to unify products' various capabilities.

sleep revenues

Business Solutions

The New Sleep Landscape: Should You Rest Easy?

Numerous factors challenge the sleep business, but it continues to see growth that some experts say will continue into the foreseeable future. The question is, how? We talk to a variety of sleep providers to learn about the innovative approaches they have developed to not only rise above market challenges, but expand their businesses, as well.

Product Solutions


As HME businesses work to diversify their revenues, orthopedics provides a good mix of retail and funded revenue that is supported by solid demographics.

Information Technology Marketplace

Strategic Solutions

Software is a strategic business investment. We round up recent software offerings to help providers optimize and expand their businesses.

HME Business Podcast