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Finding Financial Flexibility

Out-Front’s SmartWheel

HME Goes on the Road

DeVilbiss Healthcare’s IntelliPAP

Viaspire liquefier, oxygen remibursement cuts, liquid oxygen, respiratory needs

Inspired Technologies’ VIAspire Liquefier

The editors of Home Health Products’ sister publications, Elisha Bury of Respiratory Management and Laurie Watanabe of Mobility Management, have each selected a product in their market segments that caught their attention. Here are their selections this month:

Permobil K300 PS Junior

The editors of Home Health Products’ sister publications, Elisha Bury of Respiratory Management and Laurie Watanabe of Mobility Management, have each selected a product in their market segments that caught their attention. Here are their selections this month:

Industry Groups Launch Grassroots Campaign for Providers, Patients

AAHomecare, NAIMES, The Med Group and The VGM Group have teamed to create a grass roots campaign to help providers and patients educated their Congress members on the importance of the HME industry.

Oxygen Back in Budget Crosshairs

Oxygen therapy and durable medical equipment are prime targets for Medicare reimbursement cuts, according to the American Association for Homecare.

Oxygen Services: Focus on Your Business Model for 2008

Regardless of competitive bidding and impending rental caps, the demand for providing oxygen remains -- and is poised to grow. How can HME providers best position themselves to make the most of this year.

DME Is In A Rut!

We must help politicians understand that we are part of the solution to the rising cost of health care, not the problem.

2008 Funding Forecast

Competitive Bidding, First-Month Purchase Options for PWC & a New Medicare Program are Issues to Watch

HME Business Magazine, Website Debut

To better serve the evolving business information needs of HME providers, trade magazine publishing company 1105 Media has launched HME Business magazine and website.

HME Business Podcast