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NAIMES Launches Legal Defense Fund

The National Association of Independent Medical Equipment Suppliers (NAIMES) has created a legal defense fund to help the industry pursue legal challenges to competitive bidding.

Legal Speak

CMS Sets Sights on Next 70 MSAs

In January, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced the expansion of the competitive bidding program for DMEPOS with the addition of 70 new metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Although it is not a surprise that the program is moving into its second phase, it is surprising that CMS is pressing ahead when it has not yet awarded contracts from phase I that closed in September. At press time, CMS was behind schedule in announcing the winning bidders. The announcement had been widely expected to happen March 1, but in the most recent update, CMS staff stated only that it would make the announcement “soon.”

Editor's Note

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When Asthma and COPD Intersect

Though pure asthma and pure emphysema or chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder (COPD) are more common, sometimes the conditions overlap, says Marianne Frieri, M.D., Ph.D.

Aging & Asthma

Approximately 6 to 10 percent of seniors in the United States have asthma, according to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI). Asthma diagnosed in childhood can reappear later in life. Yet new asthma diagnosis among seniors is not uncommon.

Funding Focus

Equipment and Diagnosis: It Needs to Match

The phone is ringing, the trucks are traveling throughout your service area, and claims are flying through the electronic highways like never before! In addition, revenue is at an all-time high, and the new staff in your intake department really fits in well with the rest of the team. There is only one problem: Your receipts of cash are down. Without an influx of cash, everything else will eventually stop. But now, everyone is looking to the billing department to fix the problem.

Round One Refusals: Technicalities or Glaring Errors?

A week after CMS announced it was notifying contract winners for round one of its competitive bidding program, many providers who did not make the cut are questioning why they did not win contracts.

POCs: Cutting the Leash

For oxygen users, travel has historically been a dream more than a reality, as many users were essentially tethered to their homes because of past oxygen equipment’s limitations.

CMS Expects Cost Savings From Competitive Bidding

Product Premier: Blue Chip Power-Pro VW Elite

Blue Chip’s Power-Pro VW Elite bariatric mattress combines variable width convenience with durability and wound prevention features.

DME Suppliers in First 10 Competitive Bidding MSAs Notified of Bid Results

CMS announced that the agency notified on Friday suppliers who submitted bids to participate in the first round of competitive bidding.

CMS Rules on CPAPS and Home Sleep Testing Coverage

CMS has expanded its coverage for CPAPs to include beneficiaries diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea via home sleep testing devices types II, III and IV.

Sleep Therapy: Size Matters

Given that comfort is king when copping Zs, home sleep products are getting smaller and more feature-rich.

Sen. Roberts to Providers: ‘Take the Hill’

The Kansas Senate Finance Committee member told providers attending this week's AAHomecare Legislative Conference to storm Capitol Hill like the Marine Corps and get its story told.

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