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Is the Sleep Market Slowing?

Results of the Wachovia 2008 Sleep Survey — a partnership with HME Business, Respiratory Management’s sister publication — reveal a slowdown of the sleep market. According to the study, HME providers expect their sleep revenue to grow by 10 percent in the next 12 months vs. 11 percent last year.

How to Market ADLs

Letter From the Editor

Living in a Reality World

Stepping Into Liquid

Whether you’re currently carrying liquid oxygen or you’re in one of the metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) in the competitive bidding program, chances are you’re examining the viability of liquid. While there are many clinical benefits of this modality, especially from a patient standpoint, traditionally, the costs for providing liquid have been prohibitive. If you’re reconsidering liquid or just looking for a way to stay profitable, here are some things you should know.

Senate Cloture Vote on H.R. 6331 Fails

Vote to move bill from debate to final vote fails, leaving NCB poised to go into effect on July 1.

Providing Access with the Whole Family in Mind

As people age and life happens, a dream home can quickly lose some of its appeal. But making minor adjustments, or in some cases, having a home completely remodeled, can allow a person to stay where the heart is.

House Passes NCB Delay

The House of Representatives votes to approve, H.R., 6331, the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act of 2008, which could delay NCB by at least 18 months.

Senate Bill Introduced to Delay NCB

Associations urge providers to lobby Congress to support the Medicare DMEPOS Competitive Acquisition Reform Act of 2008.

Vehicle Modifications 101

How to steer patients in the right direction when they need new wheels.

Pride Mobility Adds PR, Tradeshow GM

Mary Kay Warner has joined Pride Mobility Products Corp. as its general manager of public relations and tradeshows.

Have Oxygen, Will Travel

A collection of some 02 solutions that help patients hit the road.

HME Business, Wachovia Release Sleep, Wound Care Survey

Providers expect sleep revenue growth to be slightly down from past survey.

Running on Empty

According to the American Sleep Apnea Association, OSA is estimated to occur in 1 to 3 percent of otherwise healthy preschool children. Peak prevalence is between the ages of 2 and 6, though OSA can occur at any time between infancy and adolescence. Sleep apnea is thought to be equally prevalent among boys and girls.

HME Business Podcast