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Eye on Accreditation

Accreditation Commission for Health Care

Are We on the Same Page?

Funding Focus

The New PAP LCDs: Are You Ready?

With the recently published and long-awaited CPAP local coverage determinations (LCDs), the intake, billing and reimbursement departments will require some new checks and balances if providers have any expectation of payment. That’s because the LCDs, which apply to dates of service on or after Sept. 1*, include newly imposed hoops for the provider to jump through in order to file a clean claim. The following hoops, which will need to be cleared first by intake staff or customer service, include the collection of documents that must be in a provider’s files. These documents must reflect that the patient had a face-to-face evaluation prior to the sleep test.

MED Group Signs AEL

Rehab manufacturer will be preferred contract partner.

Auto Access Success

Steer consumers in the right direction when needing vehicle modifications.

VGM Group Names New COO

VGM Group Inc. has appointed James Phillips as its new chief operating officer.

COPD Patient Wraps Ride of a Lifetime

Retired historian pedals bike from San Francisco to Tijuana using a POC to raise COPD awareness.

Providing Bath Safety

Industry Seeks Rental Cap Clarity

As 2009 approaches, AAHomecare collects questions for CMS to answer on how caps will work

Finding Your Niche With Incontinence

Incontinence supplies offer providers an area of expertise and promote one-stop shopping for consumers.

CHAD Therapeutics Relocates to Naples, Florida

Recently acquired by Inovo, Inc. the California-based oxygen conservation firm completes cross-country move.

NCB’s Wild Ride

HME Expansion: Comfort and Independence Pays

Selling items that improve the overall quality of life for consumers could help providers expand business and navigate tricky financial straits.

Product Premiere

Sunrise Medical Enhances the Usability of its Quickie Iris tilt-in-space wheelchair.

Taking It Lying Down

What’s a Modem?

The Complex Rehab ATS Requirement

CMS announces competitive bidding delay

What it all means? Industry insiders comment on how the delay will affect providers and beneficiaries.

Making a Good Thing Even Better

Sunrise Medical enhances the usability of its Quickie IRIS tilt-in-space wheelchair.

House, Senate Override President’s Veto

H.R. 6331 stands; competitive bidding delay is now law.

HME Business Podcast