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Double Standard

Need a Lift?

HME Patient Credit Card Payments

Expo Sneak Peeks

MSOs: All for One

A Peach of a Show

CMS Proposes Changes to E0217 Reimbursement

Suggests hot water pumps should be reimbursed the same as heating pads

AAHomecare Against Accreditation Exemptions

CMS lets physicians, therapists and others off the hook while HME providers must still obtain accreditation.

Former Medicare Exec Now CEO of All-Med Services of Florida

Former Medicare Exec Now CEO of All-Med Services of Florida

Gustav: Providers Pitch in

HME industry lends a helping hand to hurricane evacuees.

A Time To Exhale

‘Ultra’ Ultra-Low Bariatric System

HME Software Roundup

Helping Patients Help Themselves

The Internet and HME

Living the Good Life

We all need a wake up call now and then to remind us of what HME is all about.


COPD: Better Health Care Through Improved Diagnosis, Treatment and Pulmonary Rehab

Statistics paint a stark reality of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which is now the fourth leading cause of death in the United States, claiming more than 130,000 lives each year. Of the top 10 leading causes of death in the United States, COPD is the only one with increasing incidence, and it is on track to become the third leading cause of death by the year 2015.

HME Business Podcast