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Senior Services Referral Site Debuts helps providers market their services.

Providers to Congress: 'NCB’s Flawed'

Providers testify on Capitol Hill about how competitive bidding will hurt U.S. healthcare, patients.

TMS Promotes Glennon to Executive Director of Clinical Services

TMS Promotes Glennon to Executive Director of Clinical Services

AAHomecare Forming ‘New Oxygen Coalition’

Various parties converge to improve Medicare's oxygen benefit.

Alliance Scale Unveils Wheelchair Scale

Scale features 700 lb. by 0.2 lb. capacity and provides a 29.5-inch by 32-inch platform.

Daschle Withdraws HHS Nomination

HME industry is left to ponder who will replace him.

It’s About Patient Dignity

Making Your Referral Sources Work for You

At Your Service

Change: Are You Ready?

NCB: It’s Baaack

Past Bush Admin. Official Joins ILS

ILS Gains Former Assistant Secretary for Aging as Long-Term Care VP.

United States Faces Diabetes Epidemic

NIH, CDC study says almost 13% of U.S. adults have the disease.

Respiratory Management Web Site Debuts

HME Business sister publication, Respiratory Management, has launched a new Web site.

Obama Administration Stalls Eleventh Hour Regulations

Memo could help delay last-minute CMS rules on competitive bidding, surety bonds.

Pride Mobility Gears Up for 2009 Seminar Tour

Pride Mobility Products Corp. has launched its 2009 Pride University Seminar Tour, a 29-city series that starts on Feb. 12 in Charlotte, N.C.

FAA Approves Invacare XPO2

Administration says POC can take to the air.

Essentially Women Hosting Focus on the Future

Group purchasing organization slates ninth annual educational conference and tradeshow.

O2 Benefits Reform Unveiled

Plan would eliminate the 36-month rental cap

CMS Issues New NCB Rule

Interim rule on re-bidding round one released in final days of Bush Administration.

Total Medical Solutions Names New President

Orlando, Fla.-based Total Medical Solutions (TMS), a company that provides home health products and services for the workers’ compensation industry, has named Cara Barde its president.

CMS Implements Surety Bond Requirement

HME Providers must post a $50,000 bond.

To Be (Paperless) or Not to Be …

That is the question that HME providers must ask themselves.

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