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Observation Deck

Investing in Advocacy

Advocating for HME can be tumultuous, but building relationships pays off.

Shifting Policies: Funding Forecast 2010

Navigating the Shifts in CMS Funding: In a rapidly changing funding environment, we take a closer look at reimbursement prospects for 2010.

Funding Focus: Perplexing to Providers

Travel Oxygen Programs

CMS Confirms Bids Open Oct. 21

Agency confirms round one re-bid is currently on schedule.

Sen. Cantwell Voices Support for Homecare

Lawmaker says she will fight to change the way long-term care is funded.

Ross Presents O2 Reform as H.R. 3200 Amendment

Energy and Commerce chair Tells Rep. Ross 'Let’s Work Together' on oxygen reform.

Sleep Revenue Expected to Grow 6% Over 12 Months

Providers temper earlier previous growth predictions in the latest HME Business, Wells Fargo sleep survey.

Philips Appoints New Sleep Business SVP

Philips Appoints New Sleep Business SVP

Invacare CEO Honored by Paralyzed Veterans

Mal Mixon honored with Corporate Leadership Award from the Paralyzed Veterans of America.

PMSI Launches Mobility Repair Service

Worker’s comp provider will offer equipment repair network and home access modification service.

AAHomecare Letter Urges O2 Providers to Support Ross Reforms

Association President calls on providers to back reforms in the Face of Senate Finance proposals.

Power Mobility Update

Which Way the Wind Blows

What regulatory and funding trends will affect power mobility in the near term?

Senate Finance Committee Proposes HME Cuts, Fees

AAHomecare says it will fight new ‘framework’ document.

Special ODF Reviews Bidding Registration Deadlines, Accreditation

CMS staff remind providers of round one registration deadlines, answer accreditation questions.

Next Round One Rebid ODF Coming Sept. 16

Call will cover ‘What You Need to Know Before Submitting Your Bid.’

Balancing Integrity and the Bottom Line

How to be economically sound while still putting the patient first.


The deadline has arrived: Now What?

What are the full implications for the Sept. 30 cut-off, and what can providers do if they are going to miss it?

HHS OIG Wheelchair Report: Fact or Fiction?

AAHomecare labels Inspector General’s report ‘extremely misleading’ and says ignores true provider costs'.

MedAct Software Welcomes New CEO Timmons

MedAct Software Welcomes New CEO Timmons.

AAHomecare to Speak on C-SPAN

HME/RT Advisory Council Chair Marx will refute ‘wildly inaccurate’ statements made on Aug. 28 program.

Provider Perspective

Views on the Industry's Regulatory Changes, Challenges

Funding Focus

Politics Affects Payments

It is imperative that all of us in the home respiratory supplier industry arm ourselves with a refresher course in government.

Meeting New CMS CPAP Standards with Remote Monitoring

The world of sleep medicine has evolved rapidly in recent months. The new CMS standards have impacted and will continue to impact both the diagnostic and therapeutic practice of sleep medicine.

Continuous vs. Pulse Dose Point & Counterpoint

Respiratory Management asked oxygen experts to discuss their points of view on the controversial issue of continuous flow vs. pulse dose. The idea was to gain insight by getting both perspectives. Two unbiased oxygen experts moderated the debate. Here’s what they had to say regarding the new compliance landscape; the role of auto PAP and titration; the new RT sleep specialty and bi-level therapy.

HME Business Podcast