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QualiCare Home Medical

Provider Perspective

Respiratory Problem Solvers

QualiCare has differentiated itself by providing comprehensive clinical services for patients with complex cases. In an interview, its managers discuss their clinical commitment and their outlook on the future.

Product Solutions

Bath Safety

Bath safety is a service that spans across multiple, major patient groups, such as geriatric, bariatric and mobility patients, to name a few. This means that providing bath safety involves addressing a number of very different and distinct patient requirements and considerations. Here are some great solutions that can help you protect your patients — and your bottom line.

Letter from the Editor

Speak Now or Forever Hold Your Peace

Quite simply, with competitive bidding, the future of your business is on the line. So unless you feel like enduring a forced career change, act now. Access the lobbying resource materials and then get busy with calls, letters and e-mails to your elected officials.

rough road ahead

Products & Technology

A Rough Road Ahead

How mobility providers can survive the loss of the 13-month purchase option, competitive bidding, and the impact of the excise tax, while concurrently fighting the regulatory battles necessary to stop these poor policies.

RT Talk

Exclusive Survey Results

RT Talk

Therapists speak out in an exclusive survey, highlighting industry challenges, a growing emphasis on sleep therapy and a sense that more change is inevitable.


Respiratory Factor

Race and Rest

The National Sleep Foundation’s “2010 Sleep in America” poll is the first of its kind to examine sleep habits and attitudes of Asians, blacks, Hispanics and whites.

Observation Deck

The Business of Politics

Why HME suppliers should have a grassroots GL expense account.

Clinician Talk

Ultra-light Done Right

Clinical considerations and documentation demands for ultra-lightweight wheelchairs.

Funding Focus

Don't Forget Quality Standards

Compliance with the DMEPOS Quality Standards may have fallen off the radar screen at your organization. But your company should be able to demonstrate compliance.

HME Benchmarking

Business Solutions

A New Approach to Benchmarking

Benchmarking is a critical business practice, particularly for HME providers given the difficult reimbursement environment and the constant push to increase cash fl ow while cutting costs. Fortunately, HME software systems can help providers benchmark more accurately and powerfully.

Inside Sleep

Diversity and Sleep Apnea

Many individuals who have sleep apnea and would likely benefit from treatment are going undiagnosed and untreated because they don’t “look like” they should have sleep apnea. We can do better.

Editor's Note

Homecare’s Citizen Soldiers

Finding balance between surviving and reversing bad policies.

Respiratory Solutions

Going Green

Our home respiratory and sleep therapy community must become more engaged and participate in the green movement. There are numerous ways to reduce wasteful processes and add more to the bottom line.

TAHCS Wraps First Annual LoneStar Conference

Texas providers discuss topics ranging from H.R. 3790 to audits at new event.

Amputee's Wheelchair Denial Gaining News Attention

California TV station covers Medicare’s denial of power wheelchair to beneficiary with worn-out chair.

Bill Calls to Repeal Excise Tax

Rep. Paulsen’s H.R. 5095 calls for end to health reform’s tax on DME manufacturers.

Complex Rehab Providers Hit the Hill

Providers, consumers come to Washington for CELA 2010 to discuss, push separate complex rehab benefit.

H.R. 3790 Claims 222 Co-Sponsors

Industry momentum pushes Meek Bill to end NCB well over goal.

Team Invacare Athletes Dominate Boston Marathon

Ernst Van Dyk Races to score record ninth Boston win in a narrow victory.

Obama Nominates Berwick as CMS Admin.

Executive gives Harvard professor official nod, confirming earlier expectations.

H.R. 3790: One Co-Sponsor Shy

Meek Bill at 215 of 216 co-sponsors; with Meek added, Bill could win a House vote.

'Kirk To Enterprise'

By 2013, mobile phones the most popular way to web surf. How will this impact HME?

Reps. Klein, Ros-Lehtinen Launch Anti-Fraud Bill

Legislation seeks to halt distribution of patient numbers, verify patient visits.

CPAP Taskforce Sets Sights on Medicare PAP Policy

Spun from AAHomecare’s HME/RT Council, body aims to nix excessive administration, address face-to-face visit requirement.

H.R. 3790 Up to 203 Co-Sponsors

Bill calling for the repeal of competitive bidding closes in on its goal of 216 lawmakers.

HME Business Podcast